Thursday, 30 June 2011

Consider Yourself Updated?

Good Day fellow teens and everyone else that isnt a teen?
so i thought id give you a random update its been a while since we've talked and seeing how im dodging the joy of studying, i thought to myself 'why not?' and here we are! So we have approximately 10 months? [i think anyway?] and you must all be dying to know about my progress!
Hmmm..... how to begin maybe ill just write what ive done so far with a few words about it i guess? and then maybe end on what is left? With more and more added daily!!

1- Sex...... yeah this i had crossed off before the list was written. We all know the basics of this no details, im sorry! OH Other then first times are rubbish!
2- Being High..... yeah i dont know if i can count this i just got horribley hungry and depressed so i think we will try this one again before crossing it off
3- Smoking...... Well and Truely crossed off, and no offence to my readers but it's a bit flithy. Sorry but don'y let me stop you, Each to there own.
4- Underage Drinking..... SO SO SO DONE! and regularly!
5- Road Trip..... To Sydney infact! Since i'm a great Aussie
6- Graffiti..... saddly not with spray paint quite yet :(
7- Rebel against my Parents..... i think everything on this list sort of covers that really.
8- Become Egotistcal...... They don't call me 'The Best' for nothing! ;)
9- Stealing from McDonald's...... ahh a cardboard butler, I love it
10- Bubbles in a Fountain...... Ahh so stereotypical and magical!
11- Put someones hand in Warm Water...... still not complete sadd but true :(
12- Shaving Cream Tickle Prank........ INCOMPLETE
13- Tie someone Naked to a Pole........ INCOMPLETE
14- Egg a House...... Pretty funny although i need to work on my throw!
15- Tee pee a House........ :'(
16- Skinny Dip/ Chunky Dunk......... Working on it
17- Do Seedy things in the Bushes........... Again done beore the list was even written ahh good times.
18- Charcoal on the eyepiece of Binoculars........ INCOMPLETE
19- Flaming Dog Poo on Door Step..... i wish!
20- Be Suspended from School...... i think i might do that by planking LOL
21- Cling wrap a toilet seat....... last day of school tactic
22- Jelly Fight in a Kiddie poo...... ahhh soon
23- Steal a Golf Buggy..... cannot wait for this one
24- Acquire a drivers licence..... DONE!
25- Joy Ride...... hehehe done done done
26- Escape from a party broken up by the cops..... not yet but cops have turned up at a couple of parties :/
27- Have a brief stunt at being an Emo........ ohh Depressing
28- Have a brief stunt at being an Alcoholic........ i definitely still am even now!
29- Have an Older Boyfriend.......... never had a younger boyfriend but i wrote that with intent for a couple of years, right down i've got a 21 year old so i think that's done!
30- Fool around with a guy under the influence....... ohh yes this has been done alot
31- Cheat on a horrible Boyfriend............ yeah not planning on this
32- Have a really messy Break up............ DONE!! i'm such a bitch!
33- Lesbian Kiss............. if i do this does this also count as cheating because that might help alittle
34- Become a Camera Whore.......... who isnt these days?
35- Multiple Hook ups at a party......... Nope, not yet
36- Drag race...... this was optional i'm thinking of taking it off honestly
37- Completely over react to something trivial......... completely freaking out over nothing completely complete!
38- Be in a car accient.......... weirdly enough done it was just a bump really though
39- Drunk and Disorderly in public......... ohh yes can't wait for this!
40- Sneak into a Pub...... need the ID first!
41- Be in a Fist fight........... almost?!
42- Have a brief stunt at a valley girl........ Like you know i'm totally working on that!
43- go on a shopping spree...... money is required for that! grrrr
44- Catch BIEBER FEVER....... even saw him live, AMAZING!
45- Love my myspace account.......... saddly
46- Tweet... a lot... pointlessly........... not quite as sad but still pathetic
47- Become addicted to my Facebook Page......... we are attached at the hip!
48- Have a broken heart....... yeah not really i've never been dumped
49- acquire rebound for ^above......... not for a broken heart but ive had a rebound guy!
50- steal a garden gnome/ornament........ this one will be magical!
51- Duct tape someone naked somewhere......... TEMPTING! wanting to do this baddly
52- arrange garden gnomes at house.......... needing to do this!
53- blow up a mail box.......... :(
54- ride in the back of a Ute........ Dones
55- ride in a boot............... not quite
56- break a window with an apple...... i dont remember writing this but whatever
57- abuse a random on the street...... done!
58- Hug a stranger.......... creppy
59- Fuck up a Private school..... final school day i'm thinking!
60- Mind Fuck Someone........... i'm thinking id have to be an intense mind fuck to count.... so no
61- Learn ridiculous dance style.......... ohh yes i've got mad moves!
62- Hustle someone in a pool game......... i tried but planned a horrible game and lost
63- throw a secret party whilst parents are away....... hahah yes
64- drink so much i vomit uncontrollably........... every single time... no such thing as a quiet night :P
65- drink pee ACCIDENTALLY.......... noooo
66- Egg a Car....... YEP!
67- ring someone recreating scream......... not yet
68- run away from home....... i didnt get too far so i'm not counting it
69- pointless road trip..... almost!
70- Hide in the backseat of someones car scaring the shit out of them............ next party for sure
71- jump in to a moving car........ yeah i felt ninja
72- jump out of a moving car......... and do a barrel roll? not yet
73- acquire a fake ID........ working on it!
74- create a small explosive............. ahh kinda not really
75- give someone laxatives.............. hmmm maybe
76- 'Lap' down main street......... hahaha YES
77- 'Lap' down main street with girl music.......... good times!
78- Have a food fight.......... i wish!
79- Be arrested on schoolies...... i havent gone yet!
80- Be locked out of home...... yes >:(
81- Have a Pokemon Battle........ both cards, nintendos, and action figures!!
82- Shit in a mailbox........ thatd be great
83- Throw a bottle at someone....... yes i have done this many a time!
84- Potato a house.............. wrote this one drunk?
85- Wet Toilet Paper a house.......... cementy mess :)
86- Violate someone whilst someone else is in the room........ my friend did this last week
87- Fireworks in a tree....... don't know where to get fireworks from :(
88- Fill a Soccer Ball with cement then leave is a park........ ahh thatd be great
89- Figure out which way a a guy pees whilst laying on his back with a bonar.......... on their face i do believe [comment if you know for real]
90- Steal a For Sale Sign............ yepsie
91- Loot....... yes yes yes
92- Steal Traffic Cones......... ahh yes
93- Sleep in a bed with a boy......... still no like WTF!
94- Ride in a Trolley...... hahah yes
95- Get a Tattoo.......... not a real tatto i'll explain later
96- Have a Brief stunt at being a nerd....... you would have called me 4-eyes
97- Nintendo64 Marathon............. a couple of times now!
98- Grow to enjoy coffee............. it's bitter and gross!!
99- Long Distance Relationship....... currently infact
100- Smash a TV like a rock star would......... thats going to be smashing! hahah get it
101- Learn to Surf.......... :(
102- Learn to Skateboard........ :'(
103- Rip my clothes in drunken antics...... everynight we go out
104- Smash a Record......... it was AWESOME!
105- Go to Disney Land......... tokyo version?
106- Travel outside Australia........ New Zealand, and Japan
107- drunk twister....... :'(
108- Pass Out...............but of course!
109- Mattress Surfing.......not quite
110- Vomit all over yourself shoes included...... so many times!
111- Tattoo myself on a whim?.......... did this 3 hours ago, it's so infected! but its only little :/ like a practise one
112- Have a drug dealer......... his name is shifty :)
113- Have a regular place we all go where the staff know our name............. we call it McCalrens but it's really village coffee shop, we even have a booth there :D
114- Acomplish all sexual things..... not quite
115- Be High and drink simultaneously.....
116- Go out looking like a whore..... honestly i havent
117- End up in Hospital for drinking too much..... yay!
118- Give someone oral sex..... nothing goes in or around my mouth?
119- Play the pokies/gamble...... illegal but great!
120- Ride in a trolley............. :)
121- Buy my own alcohol......... tricky to do underage
122- Vandalise school property in a major way..... Blayney Bitchez everywhere!
123- Break into the school at night........ one day soon
124- Blow up a mailbox............ boom
125- Have sex in a public place..............awkward....
126- Paintballing........... want.
127- Go to a strip club........ yeah this is kinda ewww
128- Mass food on TV
129- Go commando............ ahhh kinky
130- Steal something..................yes i stole socks HARDCORE!!
131- Wake up in a different town after a big night..... Blayney Bitchez!
132- Have a massive party on schoolies inviting half the gold coast atleast....... cant wait!

133- Have sex in a car.... That's kinda sexy right?
134- Get so drunk you pee yourself - alittle? ....... Yeah thats when you should stop drinking
135- Fool around in the back of a car..... Sexy right? But very cramped
136- Sex in a shower/bath.............. slippery!
137- Hook-up with a complete stranger you just met ............ It was messy and gross
138- Have sex with someone you just met............. Seems kind of hot but gross over all
139- Hook-up at a bar with someone .............. He turned out to have a girlfriend...
140- Eat vomit - whilst under the influence not on purpose............... I'm so ashamed
141- Receive a hickey/lovebite/whatever ................. It was interesting?
142- Give a hickey/lovebite/whatever............... what if i do it wrong? awkies right?
143- Have sex in my family home .......................... Silent sex very awkies
144- Move out of home .................................. 40 minutes away is still away!
145- Get into University ........................................ YAY!!!
and ect?

So Far so good or maybe bad? Maybe? 10 months left not too bad really?!

Catch Ya
- Tayls xx

All Photos by AMAZING check it out!